Now, it’s easy to think vegans indulge themselves by eating ice popsicles to follow PETA’s strict guidelines.


But, contrary to popular belief, Vegans of Rutgers will show you that veganism is more than buying frozen popsicles that melt in your mouth and taste like absolutely nothing.

We believe that vegans deserve at least a little flavor.

Besides using this meme to promote the upcoming Vegans of Rutgers project, it was actually funny. The type of funny that uses a stereotypical joke about veganism that anyone could instantly recognize. Moreover, adding a layer of “cute” with the heart-eyed emoji and airy, innocent voice that melodiously plays in your head when you read the caption, makes this meme spreadable.

And it keeps getting better.




Ever meet that one vegan that loves telling you how “vegan” they are? And how your whole life has been a complete set-up?

Yeah, well, rest assured at Vegans of Rutgers we don’t believe you’re living your life wrong.

And no –  we won’t remind you how vegan we are.


Featured image and memes curated from Know Your Meme.

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