Pertaining to our overall mission of pushing animal rights and eating healthier, below is a video about why we should never be silent when it comes to fighting for what’s right.

“Because our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Circling back to the video, it was published by PETA. Their identity was visible because the video is housed on on their official YouTube account. Also, PETA displays their logo at the end of the video and directing users back to PETA’s website for further information. Because of this, the video transforms from an ordinary video to an official video distributed by the PETA organization.

Moreover, since PETA showcases the video on their website and YouTube, they hope to gain new viewers to watch why people shouldn’t be silent when it comes to animal rights. In turn, new audience members means a greater chance that one of those viewers are inspired enough to turn vegan and to support PETA’s mission.

Since I knew the video was published and distributed by PETA, I immediately knew this would be in support of animal rights and that it would contain information that would be inaccurate. In other words, I trust the information being presented throughout the video because I know an organization as large as PETA would be risk publishing invalidated information.

All in all, the exercises on privacy and security that we’re practicing with in class is helping us on our final project and in my own development, as well. Cyber security is the new hot button issue and learning how to better protect yourself online and the tools being utilized is extremely helpful. Especially when my group members and I spend most of our time on social media, it’s helpful to know the do’s and don’ts of releasing personal information.

Featured image credit: “Never Be Silent” campaign logo by PETA

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